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Newfoundland Mobile


The Newfoundland dog is best described as being a gentle giant. They are large and heavy in both bone and coat. As puppies they look like a cuddly teddy bear but this stage does not last long as they grow very quickly. They can be black, brown or white and black (Landseer) in colour. The average adult male is 71cm in height and 64-69kg in weight; adult females are 66cm and 50-54.5kg.

Important de știut
  • Câine potrivit pentru persoane cu experiență în intreținerea animalelor
  • Nivel mediu de dresaj necesar
  • Se bucură de plimbări active
  • Se bucură de o oră de plimbare pe zi
  • Câine de talie foarte mare
  • Cantitate de salivă în exces
  • Necesită îngrijire și periaj al blănii zilnic
  • Rasă non hipoalergenică
  • Câine tăcut
  • Câine de pază. Latră, alertează și este protectiv fizic
  • Minunat cu alte animale de companie
  • Câine de familie


Newfoundland dogs are docile, gentle and make great family pets, getting on well with both people and other animals. They have a natural life-saving instinct, which can be a nuisance when they continually try to drag you out of the water! They are outgoing dogs, full of energy and said to be one of the friendliest breeds.

History and Origins

The Newfoundland dog is best described as being a gentle giant. They are large and heavy in both bone and coat. As puppies they look like a cuddly teddy bear but this stage does not last long as they grow very quickly. They can be black, brown or white and black (Landseer) in colour. The average adult male is 71cm in height and 64-69kg in weight; adult females are 66cm and 50-54.5kg.

As with many dogs, the Newfoundland breed can suffer from hip and elbow dysplasia (joint conditions that can be painful and lead to mobility problems). They are also prone to a particular bladder condition and heart disease.

Newfoundland puppies should have all their exercise monitored while growing to ensure that no damage occurs to the bones and joints. They love water, swimming being one of their favourite forms of exercise. A fit, healthy adult needs at least an hour's daily exercise and will happily take more.

Giant-breed dogs, as well as having giant appetites, benefit from a different balance of minerals and vitamins, supporting different joint and cartilage needs. The Newfoundland dog is prone to bloating and stomach problems; try feeding smaller, more frequent meals to help minimise the risk.

The double coat is dense, oily and water-resistant and the needs a fair amount of grooming attention. Newfoundland dogs should be brushed daily, with particular attention being paid to the feathering on the legs, which can become entangled.

While many dogs are traditionally thought of as being good with children , all dogs and children need to be taught to get on with and respect each other, and be safe together. Even so, dogs and young children should never be left alone together and adults should supervise all interactions between them.